There are those moments in life that are impossible to forget. Being a huge heavy metal fan, I clearly remember what were the first few records that sparked my passion.
The first two "Heavy Metal" tapes I got in my life were Twisted Sister - Under The Blade and Stay Hungry. In fact, I remember "clearly" buying them to the school bum for 3$ (for both) because he wanted to buy some cigarettes.... Only problem is that we were in 4th grade!!! At any rate, I didn't care what he wanted to do with the money, I just wanted those tapes!
So I bought them and enjoyed them very much. In 5th grade, as part of one of our class we had to choose a song to do a lipsync on (in a kind of a band impersonation competition). When everyone was picking up Mickael Jackson, Boy Georges and Madonna's songs, myself and 3 close friends decided to choose "I Wanna Rock" song from this LP. Even though we were the only ones with a Metal song... everyone was shocked and kinda liked it at the same time (including the teacher) :) Damn, I wish I had a picture of that to show you how we looked :D
Oh by the way, I was the drummer! Ohhh yeah....
I later sold my Stay Hungry to buy the LP... I still got the Under The Blade tape though!
Twisted Sister - Stay Hungry - 1984 - Atlantic Records - Canada
When they decided to re-release it on Pink vinyl, of course I had to buy it again: